Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mid-Late August

Summer is starting to spin down and nights are getting just a bit cooler than their high point, but the gardens don't notice and won't care much until October.

The main back garden, showing off the blue gazing ball.  Most of this is Magellan zinnia (in scarlet) that do very well here.

I'm very happy with the Babylon dahlia, although I wish they were just a bit taller.

I keep trying to hide the meters with things.  I didn't expect much from the Easter Egg plant, but I had some hopes for the cleome.  Unfortunately, that didn't work out too well, but at least it takes the worst of the view out of play.

Another image across the back, showing the bits of garden that have washed into the patio's brick.  So far, August has featured heavy and frequent rain.

The Easter Egg plant on the deck is maturing nicely.  These are most of the way there, although the orange tones will deepen through September.  I should be able to harvest seeds for next year starting September 15th, as the oldest eggs (which started to grow in June) turn orange with brown spots and begin to fade.

Follow the Yellow Bloom Road.  This is the upper leg of the back garden, done all in yellow this year.  With the milder winter we had, I had tons of volunteer Melampodium (the small yellow blooms) that were transplanted over here.

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