Thursday, July 4, 2019

July Fourth Photos

It's been too long, I've been busy, and nothing's really been done differently anyway.  The rains have continued, which has meant that I haven't had to water anything, so the lawn and gardens are flourishing.

The general garden image shows that nothing's going wrong, per se.  I've lost one or two plants to fungus issues and general root rot due to the constant rainfall and wet conditions, but there are so many volunteers in the garden that replacing them has been no problem at all.  Most of the volunteer plants are melampodium (butter daisy) or Easter Egg plant, but both are certainly welcome as replacements for anything that doesn't survive.

Profusion zinnia don't mind the wet, and do very well in any sunny soil.  The red are, so far, my new favorite, although the yellow and orange ones are doing extremely well everywhere they're planted as well.

Ageratum has an eternal place in my gardens.  Many people say they have trouble with them.  My only problem is keeping them from taking over.  This year is no exception.

The scarlet Magellan zinnia are another favorite and another one that doesn't mind the wet as long as it's in full sun.  As usual, it simply sits there and blooms.

Last but certainly not least, a random grocery store zinnia I picked up on sale for about $2 in April.  I don't remember the name and didn't record it in my garden journal, but it certainly isn't disappointing me and is competing nicely with the Thomas A Edison tubers I paid quite a bit for.  There's another one of these out front, and a Firebird dahlia I got at the same time by the mailbox that's also performing like a champ.