Saturday, March 10, 2018

Things are Underway

I haven't blogged because I've mostly covered things in previous years.  I'm moving dates around a little bit, so the blue and red salvia are both starting later this year.  They were crowding each other out a bit.

I moved the ageratum earlier as it had a very slow development last year.  This year, it's already starting to get rootbound with 2 months left to go before planting.  I'll pinch them back if I have to and they'll be just fine.

I took a few photos of the setup downstairs. Again, click on any image to embiggen it. This is the sprouting area in my home office. The red/white light is a set of 12 volt, total of 12 watt, LED strips I cobbled together and mounted on flexible vinyl. I use that to illuminate my wintered-over flowers as well as to help new plants sprout.


Only one deck is currently in use downstairs, out of six. The second will come online sometime late next week, probably. After that, it moves fast. We're currently 8 weeks out from last frost.  On the left are Easter Egg plant and ageratum.  The right is the newly-sprouted heliotrope (which is not going well) and the blue salvia (which is just small and will be fine).

Sprouting_Plants_03.10.<br />
<br />2018_3

This is a wider view, also showing my very messy working area.  My better half won't come downstairs until I clean all this up, so we're talking May.


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