Saturday, May 30, 2015

Still No Rain

We're officially at 0.22" at the local airport for the month of May so far (4.10" being far more normal).  On my back deck, the recorded amount is 0.18".

The gardens are holding because I'm watering them, and they're actually flourishing in the heat and sun.  At this point, they're as far along as they would be by the middle of June, although I had a highly unusual loss of six plants (out of 650) this year.

The grass is blasting and dropping toward dormancy, with about 150 square feet nearly dormant at this point and the rest highly stressed.

On the up side, we're forecast for nearly an inch of rain over the weekend.  Now to see if we get it.

What can you do if this happens to you?  Not much, except water.  In my case, it's simply pointless to try to hold the lawn, so I let it slide.  The gardens, of course, will be maintained through the season.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I put a similar water absorbing crystal product down prior to my building putting down sod.... can buy it bulk on amazon for very cheap.

You ever consider topping with it in hopes it will work its way into soil? kind of pointless i suppose...

would spread very easy (similar granule size as milo or epsom salts)

could contribute to some crown rot or something? couldn't be much worse then clipping clumps...