Sunday, May 13, 2012

May Photos and Experiment

The May photos for the lawn and gardens are below. The gardens were just planted, so as always this early in the season look rather sad and sparse. This will rapidly change.

I'm trying SumaGreen Turf on the lawn and gardens this year, a biological product with many different types of bacteria in humic acid. I had wanted the reference shots for today as I applied late in the day yesterday. Changes should take place over the next four weeks.

As always, you can click on any image to increase the size.

The May lawn. Density and growth rate are both excellent, although color isn't wonderful at the moment. I haven't had much time to keep up with the spray iron.
Img 3428

The purple rhododendron, which seems to be very happy where it is. It's tripled in size in the last two years.
IMG 3437

The magnolia bloomed nicely earlier, and the rose bush behind it should be along shortly.
IMG 3438

Newly-planted gardens always look sparse, and I just finished this yesterday.
IMG 3444

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