Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Photos

The lawn's doing very well for November, although I have a feeling that a lot of my winterizer washed through and got lost in the 2 1/2" of rain we got. If I see evidence of that, I'll do a partial re-winterization over the next few weeks.

As always, click any image to embiggen it.

The standard shot, with extra leaves. I sent the mower out to take care of it just after I took this shot:

Img 3367

A shot across the back, including the last of the trees that's currently de-leafing all over the lawn. Myrtle (the robotic lawnmower) had just chopped through these:

Img 3368

The southern face:

Img 3370

Bonus Image! My Christmas cactus decided to bloom a little early this year:

IMG 3366

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