Thursday, May 16, 2019

Two Weeks of Rain...

Two weeks of rain haven't particularly helped the gardens along, although they haven't hurt, either.   The plants are certainly watered in well, but the lack of sun means growth isn't very far along and many things are delayed.  There are few blossoms.

The pots are almost always the first things to bloom, simply because they're the best fed!
And the weather hasn't done much to the rhododendron, other than slowed it down by a few days this year.  It's not quite fully open yet, whereas it generally is by Mother's Day.
I took a closeup of a rhododendron flower.
The pots grow best, as always.  This is a yellow Profusion zinnia, getting ready to open its first blossom.
The rest of the garden is...well, it'll be along, I'm sure.
The grass, which I cut about an hour before I took this photo, is doing beautifully.  While the color suffers without sunlight, it generally enjoys wet weather.

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