Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

The unofficial start of summer for 2019 is off to a less than stellar and very wet start around here. It's been a rainy spring, which isn't a bad thing, but it's resulted in a slower than normal beginning to the summer plants. They're coming along, though.

The yellow Knockout rose is generally the first to bloom.  The red one is coming along nicely and should blossom in a few days.
Red profusion zinnia are new-ish and do nicely in the gardens without fading, although they're a bit more difficult to start from seed than the yellow and orange ones.
Primrose yellow Janie marigolds will be an eternal staple in the gardens.
The fringe tree started blossoming a few days ago.  The scent is very heady and sweet, and something that I'm sort of allergic to.  I tend to keep my distance and admire from afar.
It's slow, but growing in.
The typical lawn shot.  May's lawn feeding from a few weeks ago is about to kick in.

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