It was a bit of a speed application this afternoon and evening as sunset gets a bit earlier every day, so my coverage was perhaps a bit thin.
However, I managed to spray 4 ounces of ferrous sulfate monohydrate onto the lawn per thousand square feet, mixed with about an ounce and a half of Miracle Gro (I'm out of ammonium sulfate and didn't notice that until too late). I used sodium laureth sulfate as a surfactant, somewhat under a tenth of an ounce per thousand square feet.
In this case, given the limited time and limited amount of spray I could get down, I went with a somewhat more dense solution than usual. All of the above per thousand was mixed into slightly under a gallon of water. That won't be an issue, and temperatures tomorrow are forecast to go no higher than 60°. Post that, temperatures tumble for the foreseeable future, with highs in the forties or colder.
Fortunately, the weather was very humid with dew expected this evening, so the grass should stay damp until well after sunrise. By tomorrow mid-day, the color will be deepening. The impact of this iron application will continue right through spring as grass growth is about to stop for the year.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Iron on the Lawn
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Given we have similar weather patterns - central bucks, would it be OK to spray FAS next weekend which is also when I plan to winterize 2lbs K. I have a crappy sprayer and want to use a better one with a fan tip to help with the process. Thoughts on late Nov FAS app?
I wouldn't see why not. I've gone into December on the FAS and just flat iron spray with no problems.
As long as the grass is not dormant, it's going to be absorbed and used just fine.
That leads to another question - winter dormancy. When do you feel "the pause" ends and you enter the transition to dormancy?
Variable, really. The transition to winter I usually call when growth stops. Which for me was Thursday morning.
You can find plenty of other arguments, all valid, but most are in approximately the same range.
Dormancy is also another question. Mine doesn't go dormant most years. It just stalls until spring.
Still mulching here - temps have not been above freezing really for a week. Looks like we will have a good rain on Monday so im poised to either "winterize" and or do my FAS app. How quickly is FAS absorbed without worry of washing off with cool temps. Thank you.
I like to give it a full 24 hours, but 6 to 8 is really sufficient to absorb most of it.
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