Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September Lawn/Garden Photos

The lawn came through the (very) hot summer pretty well, although there are some scorched areas that are recovering. The gardens seem to be about three weeks ahead of their normal point, so I've been progressively removing plants that are reaching the end of their lifespans. What remains looks fairly shaggy for September, but seed production has been quite good.

Oddly, some volunteer plants that normally wouldn't begin to sprout until next year have already begun in the garden. Those will die out at frost.

As always, you can click to embiggen any photograph. Once on the PhotoBucket site, clicking again will make it larger still.

Here's the standard shot. Color is fair to middling for September, but starting to improve as the season cools and rain comes a bit more often:

Lawn 09.15.2010

Again, I found this amusing. The property line is sharp and there's definitely no doubt of where it is. There's some slight dormancy in here, but that's reversing:

North Face 09.15.2010

Here's a photo of the garden. You can see the marigolds are giving up fast, but the salvia and cannas are doing well:

Back Garden 09.15.2010

Bonus image! A nearly perfect aster (with a beetle of some sort noodling around in it):

Aster 09.15.2010

Another bonus! An almost-perfect beetles on this one!

Rose 09.15.2010

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