Sunday, September 19, 2010


The lawn is having some slight issues coming back from this summer's damage. Root growth has been excellent from what I can tell, but top growth is slow and spreading is very slow.

So I applied 4 pounds per thousand of 29-0-4 (4.8% of that is slow release nitrogen) today and I'm currently watering it in. It works out to just about exactly a pound of quickly available nitrogen per thousand square feet.

The weather is still a bit on the warm side for grasses, and very warm for late September. Our daily high today was 82°, with estimated highs ranging from 73° tomorrow to 83° on Wednesday. That's limiting the lawn's recovery, but we're also running out of time. While frost and freeze may be late, I don't think they'll be all that late.

I could be wrong about that. I hope I am.

I should see the initial impact from this application by Tuesday or Wednesday, with faster growth continuing for a number of weeks.


cactus said...

I see synthetics as another tool in the toolbox - one I just rarely use. I've used the magical blue stuff on occasion when I've had root damage on the lawn - I figured I had to get nutrients into the plant somehow, and the spray worked long enough for the grass to get re-established.

With the amount of organics in your soil, do you really think there will be any harm done in the soil, or are you more worried about a flush of top-growth?

MorpheusPA said...

No harm, no foul I'm sure. I didn't exceed a normal September dose of fertilizer, and the days may be warm, but they're also much shorter than they were. The organics will also serve to stabilize the nitrogen flood.

A flush of top growth would be slightly welcome right now as it hasn't happened yet, and should have started already. Not that growth is poor, it isn't. It just hasn't gone September crazy yet.

It's more the Guilt of Being Organic (except for the winterizer, an inescapable app in PA). And then breaking that...