Sunday, November 17, 2019

2019 Garden Additions

My time this year has been consumed with work and new hobbies, so I've had time to write about it or do it. I've chosen to do it and not write about it so much. Still, I've kept up with the work and here's the additions to the garden for the season (which is now down for the year as first frost was around November first). This year's heavy hitter was soybean meal for the organics, as usual,

I did spray ferrous sulfate as well, which helps enhance the color, back right around the time I winterized.

DateNPKIronOrganicsOther Notes
5/1/20181.750.250.500.0025.0Soybean Meal
6/1/20181.410.300.240.2321.5Soybean Meal, Milorganite
7/1/20181.410.300.240.2321.5Soybean Meal, Milorganite

Total per K ft:   4.57  0.85    0.98    0.46    68.0   136 active organic total  

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