Monday, April 29, 2019

Flats Out!

Last night was the last potential frost on the docket, most likely, so I moved the flats out to harden off.  If it looks like we might get frost again, I'll move them into the kitchen for the night and put them on towels on the floor.  It's easy and kind of fun to have the jungle in the there for the evening!

When splayed out, it's hard to believe these will fill 2,000 square feet of garden with blooms, plus a few other gardens of other people, but they will.  Yes, I need to remove that moss on the siding.

Looking around outside as I did this, the lilac is doing very well this year.  I love the look and the smell, but don't cut them for indoors.  I'm incredibly allergic to them...

And the standard grass shot.  Everybody's looks fantastic this year, we've had a lot of rain, the weather's been nearly perfect, and it looks like that's going to continue right into May.

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