Here's a Dear Reader question that showed up in my search results, probably not coincidentally with the question being asked on a forum where I post.
And yes, Milorganite can certainly be overapplied. Milo contains a maximum of 40% water-soluble nitrogen of the nitrogen in the product, or a grand total of a maximum of 2% of the product weight in total. As such, fifty pounds per thousand square feet would be the absolute maximum application rate allowable under most circumstances, and I wouldn't go that high for other reasons.
A localized spill of Milorganite will definitely exceed the fifty pound per thousand square foot rate.
If this should happen to you, scoop up what you can. Then rake the rest as widely as possible, then follow up by scratching into the grass with your fingers, spreading the spill as far as you can.
Post that, if you can irrigate with at least an inch of water in that area, it will help to dilute and disperse the free nitrogen into the soil.
If a burned area results, treat it as you would any other burn. Water well, and reseed that area in late summer if required.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Can Milorganite Be Overapplied?
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