Sunday, June 3, 2012

June Photos and SumaGrow Update

I took photos earlier than the normal time today so the color of the lawn is a bit lighter than it would be otherwise.

As always, click on any photo to embiggen it!

The basic standard shot.  Color is fair, but quality and density are incomparable this year!
Img 3477

The "standard" garden shot, off the southwest face.
IMG 3480

The Double Knockout red rose is finishing up its first bloom and throwing the buds for the second. I think the potassium I've added has really encouraged this bush as I've had to trim it twice this year so far!
IMG 3484

These Asiatics don't generally blossom until the end of June, but the winter was so light and spring so warm and wet I'm not terribly surprised.
IMG 3488

Some of the more unusual marigolds are visibly extremely happy!
IMG 3496

Now the SumaGrow update photos. At each point in these three images is a control area--either with no SumaGrow, or with an area of SumaGrow in them. At no point can I pick out any difference by eye or on these images. This is week three since application.

Img 3486

Img 3490

Img 3494

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