Saturday, June 20, 2009

Image Update

I took this photo about 20 minutes before sunset tonight. I added 2 pounds per thousand of ferrous sulfate just before it rained, and sprayed the lawn a grand total of three times for 5 ounces of iron per thousand total as a foliar application.

That is a lot of iron, but once temperatures during the day start rising above 80 I'll be less able to add it without burning. That will probably be the last soil application until late August. By the numbers, 11 pounds of iron per thousand square feet should have raised my iron levels to around 45 parts per million, but my soil's slightly alkaline state will enable it to bind most of that.

As always, click the photo to embiggen!


diyorganiclawncare said...

Nice photo, your lawn looks great. Reminds me though that I'm way overdue for a soil test.Should have been top of my list but I let it slip and then what seemed like neverending rain came.Such a pain to get sample of soggy clay. Just have to suck it up and pull some out and try and dry it indoors before mailing it.Nice garden pics too, especially those flower closeup. You might want to consider including the names along with the flowers. It would help people that might like them and want to plant them but don't know what they're called and feel stupid asking.Not me of course, I know what they are, I'd post the information but you know, it's your blog, so I won't step on any toes. But I have a friend.. yeah a friend that wants to know and uhm... they don't believe me. So you should mention what they are so they can know and uhm... leave me alone... yeah that's it :)

eric0919 said...

Where do you get ferrous sulfate? Can you get it locally or do you have to get it from a chemical place?ThanksEric

Sodfather said...

You can get it locally at most garden shops (as ferrous sulfate or iron sulfate), or order larger quantities online from I ordered from them as I needed far more than the locally-available four pound bag.