Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Am Duly Admonished

Mr. Parafly noted that I haven't posted photos in forever. As you wish. They're always available on my Flickr page, but I'll post the ones I took today one from May.

May's shot shows the holes where I killed out the Poa annua, leaving ginormous holes...

Here's the shot from today, showing the closing holes:

The color looks a little odd because I took this photo in the morning. It always increases the yellow tone in the green.

This is the semi-standard front yard shot:

And here's the back gardens:


Nick said...

Thanks! Did you do anything special or just let it fill in on it's own with the natural tillering of the KGB?

Sodfather said...

(Hiding hands) I did nothing at all. OK, I fed like mad, but other than that I let it tiller. I won't seed any of the remaining holes until Labor Day, by which time there won't be many remaining holes at all...

PaulinCT said...

Hey, good to see you.Some hard work there for sure, glad you got rid of it and the grass is filling.I know you don't like pre-emergents, but do you think you will try one this fall?I have to say that the biggest thing I learned from my fall renovation is that it is at least a year-long project. And given all of the Poa Annua I germinated, I am actually considering spring seeding in the future, with all of the related problems, only because broadleafs are so much easier to control than Annua once established.Best,Paul