The weather here has been more like May than February, with highs in the mid-seventies. That's projected to change late tomorrow, with weather more appropriate to late March.
Still, it was time to finish the last of the Salvia splendens "Flare" and begin the Profusion zinnia. I'm growing both yellow and flame (almost red when they open, turning a reddish-orange when mature).
I had tried the cherry last year, but the flowers tended to bleach too much in the gardens. Some ended up a pale rose, which isn't nearly dominant enough with the other plants.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Moving Further...
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Moving On...
Most of last week's plants did very well, with only the heliotrope having a more limited sprout percentage. However, a 67% sprout isn't terribly bad for a plant that can be very difficult to sprout from seed. It just doesn't compare to everybody else's 100% sprout.
This week, the Salvia farinacea "Rhea" start, along with about half the Salvia splendens "Flare." Those are on the heater as of right now and should be sprouting slowly by mid-week. Both benefit from a bit more time under the lights to grow in before planting in mid-May.
While temperatures outdoors are a most unusual 67 degrees, it's not May just yet...
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Launch Date: Today!
Today officially kicked off the 2017 gardening season with the start of some of the annuals for this year's garden. Currently planted and on the flat heater are the Easter Egg plant, annual vinca, Melampodium, and heliotrope.
Only the heliotrope is new this year while all the others are heirlooms.
Sprout should complete in the next week or so, at which point the heater will be taken over by the blue salvia ("Rhea").