I just dropped another 350 pounds of cracked corn on the lawn and the birds, at least, are pleased with me.
This is the second last drop at this level for the year--in fact, for a good long time, if not forever.
I just passed 2 tons of material on the lawn and gardens this year, or well over 650 pounds per thousand.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Um...and Again
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I Fed Again...
We're moving toward September, so down went another 350 pounds of corn meal, 3 bags of Milorganite, and about 40 pounds of leftover compost (scattered very thinly across the property). That works out to about 80 pounds per thousand.
Fortunately, this is the last year. My back hurts.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
An Updated Image
It's been quite some time since I posted an image of the lawn. Things are doing well, barring the occasional bit of P. annua and P. trivialis.
As always, click to embiggen!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Still More Feeding and Compost Update
We're getting a large amount of rain this week, so I put down another 350 pounds of cracked corn and 72 pounds of Milorganite yesterday. I fed the swale again to prepare it for fall.
That's down to another 1.3 pounds of nitrogen, but I'm adding it more for the soil changes than feeding the lawn.
The composting is working well in the free garbage can. The first load was very heavy on torn up sod, so it didn't break apart very well. I added more shredded junk mail and garden trimmings and the pile is now at 144°. Hopefully that will break apart the sod a little more.
At this rate, I should have a load of compost by the end of September, just in time to start composting the fall leaves.